Saturday, November 20, 2010

15th Week~Final Entry for PBEY3102~

For the last entry, we were posted some questions to reflect on. Below is my opinion regarding the whole course:
1. What do you like about blogging?
Personally, I think that through blogging, we can express our thoughts and it serves as a medium whereby we are given the freedom to discuss about what we think of certain issues and also discuss what we have learned in the class. It also help us to reflect on what we have learnt throughout the day.

2. What you do not like about blogging?

Overall, I do really love blogging. After this course, I determined to open my own blog. Personally, I believe that blogging provides a chance for us to reflect on what we have learned in the class each week. Well,perhaps I do not like designing part such as designing and decorating the blog as attractive as possible. Other than that,sometimes I do found that some settings in blog is quite confusing to use.

3. What have you gained from blogging e.g. Language skills, improved fluency, critical thinking, improved thought processes, technology skills etc. How?

Definitely,blogging helps me to improve my language proficiency. This is due to the more we write, the better the language will be. That's what I believe! For instance, in this course,we are required to update our blog. As a result, we really need to write which can help us develop our language skills. Other than that, it helps me to sharpen my thinking skills to be critical and creatively whereby I really need to reflect on what I have learnt in the class when writing the blog. Apart from that, I learned how to upload, design and decorate a blog in the technological skills.

4. What do you like about this course?

Well, the title itself suggest that it is very resourceful. Thus, I love it very much. Although, there are so many modules to do but we have to bear in mind that all the modules are helpful whereby we can use the knowledge that we get from the modules. As a result, we can apply it in the classroom. As a result, I believe there will be a meaningful learning process will occur and definitely the students can acquire the lesson easily in a fun way because all the teaching aids are quite resourceful!

5. What you do not like about this course?

Too much of workload.

6. What have you learnt from this course?

We have learnt a lot of technological skills in this course such as how to download song and video, or certain software, learn about photo editing, audio editing, video editing etc. We are exposed to a variety of sottwares such as moyea downloader, keepvid, Ulead, etc. All these are very beneficial whereby we can use it in our lesson plans.

7. What have you learnt from this course that you did not expect to?

To be honest,I have never expected that we are learning all the technological skills before I attended this course. At first, I thought that I will be learning some facts and perhaps some simple teaching aids but I really never expect that we will be exposed to so many softwares to create the teaching aids to be used in the class.

8. What have you expected but do not learn from this course?

Perhaps, some hands-on activities or games.

9. Comments regarding modules:

1) Internet and computing skills

a. What do you like about this module?

We are introduced to all kinds of internet websites such as, gif animated cartoons etc. It widens my perspectives which make me realize that there are actually a lot of websites that we can exploit to create teaching aids.

b. What do you not like about this module?

There are so many softwares in this module. As a result, some softwares really took a lot of time to be installed which really makes me to be late in doing this module. However, thank God I able to finish it!

c. What do you like about the task given for this module?

We can search for different websites that can be incorporate into the lesson plan and realised there are so many useful softwares available.

d. What do you not like about the task given for this module?

The resources that can be used to suit our topic or learning objectives are very limited, thus, caused difficulties when we need the most suitable one from the internet.

e. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

We can use different softwares to download a video. For example, we can use either moyea downloader or realplayer to download the video from Youtube. Personally, I like Real Player because it easy easy and quick to download too.

f. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

We can use the skills to search for the things that we want easily as we were

introduced to a variety of softwares as well as websites.

2) Photo Editing

a. What do you like about this module?

I love this module a lot although it needs lot of work.For instance,we can edit on different kind of pictures.Other than that, as a future teacher we can also edit pictures based on students' interests and preferences.

b. What do you not like about this module?

Too much of editing work for the module.

c. What do you like about the task given for this module?

We can edit the pictures to suit our lesson which is planned to carry out in the classroom according to the pupils’ level. For example, we should make the picture to be very colourful, attractive in order to capture the pupils’ attention. I also remember what my lecturer said,' A picture speaks thousand of words'. Thus, I really need to do some pictures like that in my classroom to develop creative thinking skills among the students.

d. What do you not like about the task given for this module?

It takes a lot of time because to edit a photo meaningfully, it really needs some patience and time.

e. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

I learnt how to edit a picture by using different types of software such as photoshop cs3 and photoscape, triscape fx foto, and much more.

f. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

We can edit the pictures ,so that they are suitable to be used in the classroom.

3) Audio Editing Skills

a. What do you like about this module?

We can know how to edit audio and convert them into different formats. We learned how to make the audio nicer by putting in fade in and fade out etc.

b. What do you not like about this module?

Too much of skills included. There are so many steps in the module. Thus,we need to explore one by one and it is very time consuming.

c. What do you like about the task given for this module?

We can choose our own song to be edited. Personally, I felt comfortable after completed editing one song. Other than that,we can even convert the song into the format that we want and save them as our ringtone in our handphone.

d. What do you not like about the task given for this module?

There are so much of skills in editing a song.

e. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

Learn how to edit songs and also making them a better quality such as cutting off the background noises in the song etc.

f. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

Song is very appealing for young learners. Thus, we can use this skill to edit the song that suits the lesson. For example, we can always edit the song to a shorter one which can be used during the closure part before the lesson ends.

4) Video Editing Skills

a. What do you like about this module?

We learnt how to create and edit a video using windows movie maker. For example, we can enliven the pictures by making them into a video which is accompanied by songs. As a result, the lesson will be much significant and fun then before.

b. What do you not like about this module?

It is a bit tedious as we have to find a variety of pictures to be used for creating a video.

c. What do you like about the task given for this module?

We can create our own video to bring out the message that we would like to deliver to the pupils.

d. What do you not like about the task given for this module?

Some of the tasks are quite difficult.

e. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

Creating and editing video using Window Movie Maker.

f. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

I think that many students love to watch video because it makes them happy and keep them alive and able to bring positive environment in the classroom. Besides, it helps to lower their affective filter as well. Thus, video editing is appropriate to be made as teaching aids.

5) Software for ELT

a. What do you like about this module?

We can design and produce a variety of brochure, banner, flyers, and advertisement based on our preference by using Microsoft Office Puiblisher.

b. What do you not like about this module?

It requires a lot of details to be filled in so that it looks comprehensive especially the brochure, banners, award certificate and much more.

c. What do you like about the task given for this module?

We are allowed to have an imaginary kindergarten whereby we need to come out and produce all sorts of things such as banners, advertisement, business card, etc in order to promote our kindergarten.So, it was really fun doing it.

d. What do you not like about the task given for this module?

We need to put all the details accurately and comprehensively when creating the banners, award certificate and so on.

e. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

Learn a variety of skills in producing a variety of products which helps to do a project.

f. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

I can design and put in the details that I want in order to meet the lesson’s language focus, learning objectives as well as the pupils’ learning ability.

10. If you can change anything about this course, state what is and elaborate?

It will be better if we are given more time to complete all the modules and tasks so that we can have more time to explore on what we have learnt.In brief, I am happy that I have learnt many things in this course and I am glad that I have completed all the modules with God's grace. Last but not least, I believe that my friends and I can be called as resourceful teachers onwards!

On a scale of 1 – 10, please rate your computing and technological skills for both before and after undergoing the course.

My rate for computing and technological skills before attending this course is 3 and after attending this course is 8.0.

~14th Week- Amazing Videos~

Yippie! Finally we had come to Week 14! Believe it or not? Well, for me today lesson was interesting and awesome. Why do I say so? Well, we were given opportunity to watch our peers’ creation of video.In other words, it was a feedback session!

Personally, I was proud of my cohort 5 because I believe that most of us had done a good job.Most of the video were produced with creative ideas. Besides that, personally I like the video that created by Faiz and Atikah’s group. For instance,they have done a great job by relating the video with the cancer disease. I was so touched to see people who are suffering with cancer.
Other than that, my partner Rafidah and I have did a video based on the nature theme and we did try our best to make it. We also have included Michael Jackson's song in the video as well in order to give some prominent impact to the viewers.Thus, we hope both of us get good marks with God's grace!

Then, our lecturer asked us to think critically and analytically about the video. For instance, we have to explain the utmost theme of the video, strengths and also weaknesses. As a result, today class gave me a perspective whereby I can distinguish between a good video and bad video. Other than that,our lecturer had also reminded us that a good video should be incorporated with a suitable songs as background audio. This will enhance the atmosphere and feeling while watching it. Personally, Rafidah and I were so happy because we do also have included the song as well in our video!

Other than that, I realised that videos are important for me because it serves 2 ways. It does not merely as an entertainment yet it can also be used and exploited as a teaching aid as well. In brief,this week was an eye-opener for me!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

13th Week~.Video Editing~

Well, we are getting to the end I would say! Well, we were in week 13.Just one more week and then it's over!!! Basically,for this week, we finally have submitted Module 2 which was the thickest one and 2 of our assignments which were E-book and Lesson Plans with God's grace. Personally, I felt thankful and relief because I had completed the Module 2 with God's grace although it was so thick and took lots of time and patience to finish up the module. However, I am also happy because I learnt a lot of things from Module 2!

For my Module 4 which was basically about video editing ,I have started on it and personally I think that it is good to learn video editing because it is very helpful for us since we are going to be the future teachers. For example, we can edit or do some videos based on our own by referring to our students' interest and preferences. Thus, I would said that Module 4 had helped me to develop my knowledge about video editing. Therefore, I am really determined to integrate and apply it in the future!

In brief, I need to finish up Module 4 as soon as possible. See you next time!

12th Week~E-Book~

This is the 12th week of attending resources class. At first personally, I have no idea at all what and how an e-book looks like. However,thank you to our lecturer, she had shown us a sample of ebook. This is the first time I see how a e -book looks like. Pn. Foziah explains to us that e-book is important to use in class. This is because e-book must consists of:

1) a theme to the story.
2) setting (time and place)
3) plot that shows the conflict, climax and resolution
4) characterization
5) navigational tools to make sure the slides can work properly (can go to next slide and previous slide)
6) pictures must be clear cut and colourful, no different shades or shadows.
7) sound to accompany the e-book reading.

I also realised that all these aspects are very important and should be taken consideration when doing e-book. Thus, my partner Rafidah and I have plan to do a e-book which fulfilled all the criteria above. Other than that, both of us had consulted Pn.Foziah advice in order to produce a better and a quality e-book.

Other than that, all of us were given another 2 sets of module. These 2 modules were part of the continuous of the module 2. Most of us sighed including me but I realised that ' no pain, no gain'. Therefore, I really need to work hard on the modules and all the assignments in order to get a good result in the end!!

Lastly, Pn. Foziah showed a video that is created by her blog friend. I was amazed to see such a creative and great video. I really hope that I can make such a good video in the future. She also mentions that the video must consist of setting, theme, characterization and etc.

In brief, the lesson was quite impactful to us. See you all in next entry.

11th Week~ A Picture Speaks Thousand of Word~

This week was the 11th week. Pn. Foziah discussed with us more details about the photo editing.First and foremost,she gave some feedback regarding our task whereby we as individually need to post our original and edited photo on the photobucket website. Besides that, she also reminded us that all the pictures must be colourful and meaningful.
The above picture is the one I edited and uploaded in Photobucket. For the task in photobucket, I have seek her advice. Thus, I believe that I had come with an excellent impactful picture with God's grace!

Firstly, she reminded everyone that it was a must to include our own name or even a nickname in our photo. This was to avoid any plagarism and remain our copyright.Secondly, cropping part was the second element being discussed in class. As a result, I was amazed with the pictures of the artists were shown by Pn. Foziah such as Ella and Wu Chun. Thus , I believe that even an edited picture could make everything looks possible and realistic.Thirdly, she mentioned the purposes of editing pictures:

i) Able to create our own pictures according to teaching topic.
ii) Able to create a story by using few pictures.
iii) Arouse pupils' interest in learning.

Besides that, we were assigned to work in group of 4 for task 3. It was basically about editing 8 pictures which emphasized on speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills. In addition, all these pictures must according to a chosen topic in syllabus.
In brief, I learnt that actually a picture speaks thousand of word through Pn.Foziah. Thank you Maam!

10th Week~ Module 2 Continues!

I really can't believe that I was in Week 10. When I looked back, it just like Week 1. Well, time passed very fast.Well for this week, we were not given any modules to do, but we are to continue with Module 2. I also realised that many of us still not yet finish with the module 2 including myself. Thus, our kind lecturer gave us some time to do. Therefore, I was very happy and really appreciate for her consideration. Thank you a lot Pn. Foziah!
In this Module 2,I really have learnt how to edit photos. Personally,I would say that editing photos really make me to smile and made my day I would say! Even my siblings shocked and happy for me since I am good photo editor. For example, I knew how to change the colour cast, crop and drag it to another background. Besides that, I am good in making the pictures to have good lighting and bloom features as well. Other than that, I can also make a picture whereby I can stand or sit with a celebrity! Sounds cool right?It was so interesting and fun!

As a teacher, I can realised that I can use Photoshop CS3 and PhotoScape in my lesson plan as well. For example, I can give a picture whereby the students are standing in a desert or a jungle then I can asked them to imagine and the reasons behind it. As a result, it helps a meaningful learning process for the students!

In brief, I just love photo editings! Well, now it is my hobby too! See you in next entry!

9th Week~The Entry of Module 2~

Week 9 had come. Well, it was a good week whereby we have completed all the assignments which are Module 3, Lesson Plans and Teaching Aids. I felt so happy! Well, my Muslims friends still in Raya mood and they also have completed their assignments as well. Good job my Muslim friends and once again Selamat Hari Raya friends!

Well, we are so excited to submit our assignments.Then, Pn. Foziah gave us Module 2! Well,personally I was not shocked because she already mentioned in last class that we will be getting a Module 2. Thus, I just take it easily because life still needs to go on. Am I right?

Well, once I received the Module 2, I am totally shocked now to see such a thick module! However, I like Module 2 because basically it was about how to edit the pictures. Personally, I like it since I am a bit of photogenic guy! I love pictures . Thus, I really do not see Module 2 as a burden. Meanwhile, I just love it because I can learn myself better in this photo field. Furthermore, I can make my pictures so beautiful too. Therefore, I love Module 2 so much

In this module, I have learnt about the CS3 Photoshop and Photoscape as well. Personally, I love both of the softwares because I can do the the red-eye during photo-taking, changing background,putting frames, cropping people yet we can also decorate our pictures based on our own creativity.In brief, I am in love with this Module 2. See you all in next entry! I need to explore it as soon as possible!

8th Week~ The Entry of Module 3 and The Tasks~

Week 8 is the week whereby we really got busy in our work.

We just received Module 3 and some tasks such as Lesson Plans and Teaching Aids. Thus, we really need to be very serious in our work.Other than that, we had been given about 2 weeks to complete during the 2 weeks Raya break.As a result,everyone was so busy with the module 1, module 3 and the tasks. Personally, I realised that hectic life just started. However, I realised that 'no pain, no gain'. Thus, I just do the modules. Moreover, I had also learnt a lot of things such as converting Mp3 to WAV, PDF to Microsoft word and etc.

Consequently,it had really enhanced my skills in using the technology. Personally, I can realised that I am really good now in ICT skills and a bit proud of myself.Besides that, all my friends also were busy discussing on the problems that they faced in order to complete the modules. As a result, it really shows a good productivity and teamwork between them.

In brief, although we were bombarded with so many work, I believe that everything is for our own good although sometimes we used to sigh. Howeve, we have to bear in mind that we really need to prepare ourselves with many work because teacher job is not an easy job at all. Thus, I perceive all these modules and the tasks as a big challenge for me to accomplished it.! Hope I can make it with God's grace! Last but not least, I would like to wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA to Pn.Foziah and all my beloved Muslims friends!!!

7th Week~Module 1

Week 7 is the week of our continuation week of doing Module 1. As I said before,I realised that I learnt a lot of new skills such as downloading some useful softwares,converting files from various formats,encoding music and much more.

Besides that, I realised that there is no point of sighing because too much of work. To be honest, yes I agree that it was a big and heavy workload but actually the module really helps us to widen our knowledge and now I have equipped with so much of knowledge.As a result, I can use all these knowledge and can integrate in my lesson plans as well in the future.

Besides that, I also had faced some difficulties in completing module 1 especially in downloading some softwares such as Orbit Downloader because at that time, my net connection was very slow. Other than that, I also have asked my friend's help if I do not understand about the modules. In brief, although I am new to this course and have to complete Module 1 as soon as possible, I have decided not to give up.

I hope everything goes fine with God's grace.See you all in next entry!

6th Week~ Module World~

Week 6 had come and so did the work. Well, we just received a big stack of module which is one of our assignments. I am so happy to receive the Module 1 because I really want to learn something new although my friends used to tease me! However, I almost shocked when I realised that Module 1 have to be completed in two weeks!! 'Oh my God,' I thought in my mind. I am wondering on myself whether I will be able to finish up or not. There were so many questions popped up in my mind. I wished there were extra hours in a day! However, I realised that I should not give up and must work hard in order to get good marks. Therefore, I does not see it as an obstacle while I see it as a stepping stone to success. Furthermore, I knew that there will be some good thing in the modules which I can learn more and better.

Guess what? Yes, I am! When I start to work on the modules, I realised that are so many softwares such as 'Internet Download Manager,; ' Moyea Downloader', and much more. As a result, it taught myself to expose to the real world of technology. I realised that those softwares are very useful whereby I can download some files in the net in a short time. Moreover, all the steps given in the Module 1 are clear and the instructions are very straight forward as well. Thus, I hope I can complete it just on time with grace of God! See you in next entry readers!