However, in this lesson, most of us were fascinated as we were assigned to integrate and use technology in teaching aids. 'TECHNOLOGY? That's really cool and awesome', I thought in my mind.As a result, we had to prepare a lesson that was fully conducted by using technology as teaching aids.
At first I was almost lost and worried because I did not have much exposure to the various teaching aids in terms of technology especially in my teachers' training college. The only technology that I knew was powerpoint and some YouTube video clips. Luckily, Pn. Foziah assigned us to do it in pairs rather than single. This helped me to learn and share some new ideas from my partner. As a result, it also eventually boost the teamwork and coperation between us.
Other than that, she had also mentioned several teaching aids which were integrated with technolog such as E-Book, flash games, flash cards, music video, online story, online games and online educational activities. As a result, I realised that there are many teaching aids are available technologically and I am glad that I get to know about it through this course. As a result, I realised that I should try my best to integrate all of them in my lesson. In brief, teaching aids is like a booster for an effective lesson plan! Hope, all of us can implement it successfully in the future!
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